Rabu, 11 April 2018

Get Him To Do What You Want How To Get What You Want From A Man Without Asking

Get Him To Do What You Want How To Get What You Want From A Man Without Asking

Image source: http://www.goodmorningquote.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/i-want-you-boyfriend-quotes1.jpg

Get Him To Do What You Want How To Get What You Want From A Man Without Asking

Do you have a few friends who are truly average looking, yet their guys are willing to go to the ends of the earth for them? Would you love to have a guy like you so much that he'd do virtually anything for you? Has your luck with men been rather dismal and you can barely get him to open the car door for you, never mind do anything more?

Sometimes we tend to criticize the man for not being romantic or giving enough when we don't get what we want. But in reality, it is sometimes us women who just don't attract or even deserve that kind of attention from a guy.

So let's look at what does get a guy up and at attention.

Looking Great

It always helps to look your best. Few guys go for the girl who dresses in rags and barely takes the time to put herself together. This isn't just a question of physical attractiveness. It can make you appear neglectful and uncaring to just let yourself go.

Take a minute to ensure that the look you put together gives off the right message. Do you look too trampy? Too reserved? Too outdated?


Even with the perfect look, some women are going out there feeling down about themselves. They stare at their feet, refuse to look around them and give people the impression they just don't want to be bothered.

Hold your head up and make eye contact with those around you. To show your willingness to meet new people, you might even want to smile to show you're friendly and approachable.

Aura of Mystery

Few guys like a girl who is like an open book. Keep a little bit of that mystery alive by not telling him absolutely everything there is to know about you. You have plenty of time to share that later and giving him too many details now can be more tedious than interesting.

Keep it interesting and he'll give you his world.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here.

How can you make a man fall in love with you? This is a question that has been asked again and again for thousands of years. It has been asked because we want to be loved. We want romance and companionship. Are those the things you are looking for? Of course they are. So what can you do to make it happen? What can you do to make a man fall in love with you - forever?

We have some great dating advice. We are going to look into male psychology and see what makes him tick. What does he want? Can you provide that? Will it work? Will you be able to make him fall in love? Yes you will.

Think about this. What do you want when you think about a boy friend or husband? You are looking for someone who loves you; someone who does things for you; someone who is kind; maybe someone who is fun to be with. Then, logically, those are the things that Mr. Right is looking for in a girl friend. Can you be those things for him?

That is what you should try to do. Really, if you want to make a guy fall in love and make him commit to you, you need to be the kind of person he would like to spend the rest of his life with.

So, while not ignoring your looks, the main attraction, when you want to attract men, or that special man, is to work on your personality. Be the kind of person he would fall in love with.

Do things for him. When he needs something done and you do not respond, what kind of message do you think you are sending? It will be the wrong one. This will not cause anyone to fall in love with you.

Be kind to him. This means to compliment him. Smile at him. A smile sends a very warm message. It makes the person that we smile at smile back at us. It says, I like you. And it makes him like us in return.

Be fun to be with. If you have a habit of complaining or talking about your depression or your problems, do not think that that will make him fall in love with you. Those negative things will turn him off and sour the relationship.

Did you get the point of the advice? Be the kind of person that he would like to come home to for the rest of his life. Be kind, be funny. Smile at him. These things can make a man fall in love with you.

What can you do to make your man crazy about you? Is it possible to make your man love you forever and ever?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to make your man fall hopelessly in love and addicted to you, simply click here.

Have you been trying to make a guy fall in love with you, but failed miserably so far? Do you long to be in a relationship with Mr. Right, but he seems to need some convincing? What can you do? What tactics and techniques work? We are here to help. We have some great dating advice. We can help you to make a guy fall in love - deeply and seriously.

So, what does it take? Think for a minute about male psychology. What do men want in a woman? It really is not that difficult to figure out. What will attract men? They want, of course, someone who is good looking. So -

Pay attention to your looks.

Good looks are a huge attraction to men. Make sure that your hair style is flattering. Do you clothes fit right and are they attractive? Is your make up right; enhancing your looks? If you are not sure about any of these, ask a friend. Then, when she is honest with you, make sure that you are not offended. That would not be fair. But put into practice what she says and make the improvements you need to make.

Men also want someone who is fun to be with. So -

Pay attention to your personality.

Are you fun to be with? Do you smile easily? Do you laugh easily? Do you know how to make other people laugh and feel good? These things will make a guy fall in love and make him commit to you for life. If you tend to talk about your problems and you depression, people will avoid you. It is so much better to talk about cheerful, happy things. That makes people around you cheerful and happy. And they appreciate you more for making them feel that way.

There you have it. Those are some great tips on how to make him fall in love with you. Pay attention to your looks and personality. These things can make a guy fall in love with you - deeply and seriously.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!

If your friends have said that you can NOT make him fall in love, we want to argue with them. They may be right, but not necessarily. It may be that you have been going about it in the wrong way. Try our tips and techniques. They are designed to get his attention in a good way. They can make him fall in love.

Look a male psychology Think for a minute about men and love. What is love anyway? Love is like the feeling we have for a friend, but stronger. That gives us a clue. If we want him to be our soul mate, we need to be friends first and then take it up a level. Now, how do we go about doing that?

When we are just starting out, and we want to be friends with a guy, what do we do? We pay attention to him, right? We let him know that we like him, just in little ways. So, when we are ready to attract men, or that one special guy, a major attraction can be our smile; just for him.

When you see him across the room, smile at him. Not a little smile - that can seem like only good manners. And not a big smile - that is overdoing it. But a pleasant, friendly smile says, hi. I like you. I want to be friends. I am a warm person to be with.

If you want to make a guy fall in love with you and make him commit to you, good dating advice will be to make him laugh. When you are with him, make sure that you are pleasant. Do not talk about your problems and depression. Look on the cheerful side of things. Learn to tell a joke and have one ready often. If you can make him laugh on a regular basis, it is more likely to make him fall in love with you.

Some other things that will draw his attention and make him fall in love with you are following:

Get a hobby.

It does not matter much what kind of hobby you have, it just makes you a more interesting person and gives you something to talk about.

Go places.

Travel. It does not need to be far. But a person who travels is a much more interesting person than one who sits at home all the time.

Meet people.

When you expand your base of friends, it makes you a more well-rounded person and is very attractive.

Learn things.

Take classes and read books. Keep up on world and local events. This will enable you to have intelligent, interesting conversations with people.

These things will make you so much more desirable as a mate and companion. You will be fun and entertaining to be with. These things can make him fall in love with you.

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Click here to find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

Have to Reduce Your Stress Try a New Hobby

Image source: http://www.nwherald.com/lists/2016/12/30/0c0a3b02dc5344b0990bbf5632ab31f2/19bf5598-87a8-4dd6-b0c6-11d7581268f8/image-pv_web.jp...