Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

7 Tips On How To Deal With Missing Your Ex

7 Tips On How To Deal With Missing Your Ex

Image source: https://s1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/U_P5MGgwUpAXJfoPnxEvDQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD0zNzU7cT03NTt3PTUwMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/partner/2800172.jpg

7 Tips On How To Deal With Missing Your Ex

For those who have just ended their relationship, there will surely be moments when you will miss your ex.

Here are seven tips on how to deal with missing your ex girlfriend or boyfriend.

1. Remind yourself that your relationship is over.

For as long as you are hoping to be back in a relationship again with your ex, you will continue to feel that you are missing someone in your life. You have to be determined in realizing that the relationship is over and there is no use thinking of having another chance at getting your ex back.

2. Return your ex' stuff.

Schedule an exchange of items with your ex and let him/her know that you are giving them back their stuff, and you are expecting your things back also. This way, you do not hold on to these personal items for sentimental reasons, reminding you of your ex often. If there are other things you forgot to return, just throw it all away to avoid having constant reminders of your ex' presence in your life.

3. Write your ex a letter... then burn it.

This is a good way to get all your pent-up emotions out of your system. One of the main reasons why partners still miss their ex is because they really have not fully expressed themselves yet. Writing an honest letter is a good outlet to let it all out, and when you burn the letter you can enjoy watching your words go up in smoke.

4. Hang out with your friends again.

You will surely miss your ex if he/she took up most of your time. Usually, when you are in a serious relationship, your friends and family get a bit neglected. Now may be the best time to reconnect with your old friends and spend more time with them to get your mind off missing your ex partner.

5. Get into a new hobby and meet new friends.

Now that you have more time in your hands, you can fill it with new activities or interests. Think of the things that you wanted to do but never got around to doing it because you didn't have the time then. Before you know it, you may actually be enjoying your new hobby, making more new friends along the way.

6. Get a new pet.

Whether a cat, dog or a bird, reconnecting with another being can help you deal with reality. A pet can demand attention which you may be willing to give now that you have no one to give it to. When you miss your ex, you can also reach out to your pet that loves you unconditionally.

7. Start going out with other people.

The world keeps on moving even if yours stopped for a while when your ex broke up with you. It is about time you start mingling again and date every once in a while. Do not worry if your first date is lousy or you do not click with another person at once. Like everything else in this world, it will just be a matter of time.

Once you start enjoying yourself again, you are sure to miss your ex less and embrace your new life more.

Have to Reduce Your Stress Try a New Hobby

Image source: http://www.nwherald.com/lists/2016/12/30/0c0a3b02dc5344b0990bbf5632ab31f2/19bf5598-87a8-4dd6-b0c6-11d7581268f8/image-pv_web.jp...