Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/30/e2/2c30e2f8fd5a8a04493a33849f2fa5fd.jpg
Be Hard-to-Get
Read my lips: playing hard-to-get doesnt mean ignoring men. Playing hard-to-get is more about being elusive and enticing. So, instead of sitting on his lap and hanging onto his every word, be an independent, powerful woman who isnt easily swayed. Dont fall for everything that comes out of his mouth, and be prepared to ask questions. Because, really, who is more interesting to you: someone who is literally hanging off you, or someone who has their own interests and requirements for a partner? Nothing creates the not-interested vibe as quickly as someone whos desperate so be independent, and hard to get to get his curiosity piqued.
Be Flirty
Its been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, and for good reason. You can express a lot of emotion without ever opening your mouth. Happiness, sadness, loneliness, anger, frustration, attraction, repulsion and more emotions can all be conveyed with your eyes. So, be flirty. Show him emotion with your eyes and mean it. No man can resist a sexy woman who knows how to use her eyes to convey what shes thinking.
Be Indirect
You dont have to tell Mr. Wonderful your entire life story. In fact, its better to keep him guessing. So, instead of telling him every minute detail about your life through elementary, middle and high school, on to college and your first, second, and third jobs, keep him guessing. Give him just enough information to keep him interested without giving away the entire farm. Keep him guessing, and keep him asking more questions to ensure he stays interested in you and what you have to say.
Be Feminine
Femininity is a state of mind, not the amount of makeup you have on, the clothes you wear or the shoes on your feet. Femininity is something you embody a woman that is sexy, strong, and beautiful. A feminine woman knows what makes her attractive and plays it up. A feminine woman knows what men want to hear and says it slowly and quietly. And, a feminine woman isnt afraid to say whats on her mind. So be feminine no man can resist it!
As you can see, these are fairly simple techniques to be mysterious. You dont have to be Angelina Jolie to keep your man intrigued a little mystery goes a long way! Just make sure that youre not totally mysterious you want them to know some information about you so they dont think youre a flake. However, mystery adds suspense and surprise to any relationship, and being mysterious is a necessity if youre going to keep him intrigued.